Connecting Founders was founded on the values of accessible education and support for budding women entrepreneurs. Discover our growing library of business talks, presentations, write-ups, and more for some inspiration as you build your business.

Financial Education

Financial Education

Money and More: Crafting your story – Key Take Aways

Key takeaways from Money & More session- “Craft your story in the language of investors”.  With an engaging narrative it is …

Financial Education

Money and More: Shall I raise Debt or Equity?

So, the question is, do we raise debt or equity? And this is bulk of our work at Connecting Founders. …

Financial Education

Money and More: How to articulate your economics to investors?

An investment model is a necessarily restricted, inherently limited view of your business. And this exercise of going through 10 …

Financial Education

Money and More: How to craft your story in the language of investors?

A way to assemble your pitch – Using the business model canvas, which really goes to some strong points and …

Financial Education

MONEY & MORE: What is a Budget?

The key components within a budget are important to understand when starting your business. Learn the terms and elements here …

Financial Education

MONEY & MORE: Why Do We Need a Budget?

Why is it important to set a budget when starting your business? Watch to find out more.

Financial Education

MONEY & MORE: 7 Steps to Building an Operating Budget

In this video, learn the 7 crucial steps you need to take when creating an operating budget.

Financial Education

MONEY & MORE: Budgeting Exercise

Knowing how to making your own budgeting spreadsheet is crucial to anyone planning to start their own business. In this …

Financial Education

MONEY & MORE: Demystifying Finance

The concept of Finance has been mystified so much it can be overwhelming and intimidating. When, really, finance is at …

Financial Education

MONEY & MORE: Revenue and Cost

Revenue and cost, the crucial ingredients in calculating a break-even point. Understand the differences between variable and fixed costs enables …

Financial Education

MONEY & MORE: 2 Types of Breakeven

Before knowing how long it will take to recover the initial costs — investment, net profit, and payback period — …

Financial Education

MONEY & MORE: Breakeven Exercise

Breaking down the steps to calculate your break-even point using both traditional and intuitive formulas. Learn how much you can …

Financial Education


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Financial Education


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Financial Education


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Financial Education


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Financial Education


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Financial Education


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Financial Education


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Financial Education


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Financial Education

Money & More: 7 Steps to Building Operating Budgets

From our #MoneyandMore series on #budgeting, we guide #businesses and #entrepreneurs through the concepts #budget and its power to reach your #financialgoal. Follow Michael C. Rabonza on the 7 steps to building operating budgets and learn what it takes to keep your business thriving.

Financial Education

Money & More: Understand Budgeting

Taking control of budgeting, Michael C. Rabonza said, helps businesses operationalize their intentions, and provide entrepreneurs with realistic views of their performance and opportunities for growth.

Financial Education

Empowering Women on Money

Limiting beliefs about women’s relationship with money may have set us back, but a positive approach to #education, #investment, and generating growth is critical to be awaken to the fact that women can do more of what they love by taking charge of their money.

Financial Education

Know Your Break Even Point

Building a resilient #business is about pricing smart and making sure all your costs are being covered — this is where concepts like the #BreakEvenPoint can help you make the right decisions and allocate your resources properly.

Financial Education

Why Finance Matters

The concept of #Finance has been mystified so much it can be overwhelming and intimidating. Did you know? Finance is at the root of everything we do.

Financial Education

Introducing “Money & More”: Investment education series for entrepreneurs

Connecting Founders launches its #Money&More series, uncovering the #knowhow from the world of #capitalstructuring #investment and #capitalraising

Financial Education

How to Pitch to Investors

At the Pitching to Investors session of the Women in Business series Tee Plern Suraphongchai discussed how to structure a Pitch and what to consider.

Financial Education

Raising Capital

Which fundraising options to consider, and the pros and cons of each

Climate Change

Gender & Climate Change

Sustainable Fashion in Southeast Asia Spins Lucrative Opportunity

Sustainable Fashion in SEA Spins Lucrative Opportunity: Just because secondhand is cheaper doesn’t mean the business opportunities are smaller By …

Gender & Climate Change

Energy Efficient Refrigeration Project Launches with Low Carbon Energy Solutions for Thai F&B Sector

Energy Efficient Refrigeration Project Launches with Low Carbon Energy Solutions for Thai F&B Sector In an exciting joint effort on …

Gender & Climate Change

Circular Models on the rise to curb Southeast Asia’s waste

Waste mismanagement accounts for about 5% of global #carbonemissions and is a major contributor to plastic pollution. Female founders are at the forefront of a shift towards more #sustainable solutions, launching and building companies based on #circulareconomy business models. Find here are a few examples from Southeast Asia.

Gender & Climate Change

The Emergence of Smart Cities in Southeast Asia

#ASEAN moves into the future by transforming its vibrant cities into #SmartCities. As #urbanization meets #digitalization , the regional bloc is integrating technologies into the local fabric to better city lifestyle and improve #wellbeing among citizens.

Gender & Climate Change

Fridge For Future: Thailand’s YENERGY Project and Energy Efficiency

The energy-efficient refrigeration project brings Thailand closer to a #sustainable future, while businesses benefit from cheaper utility bills and an opportunity to reduce their #carbonfootprint

Gender & Climate Change

ESG Drives 2022

2021 has put the ESG business and investment on the center stage, prompting 2022 to shine spotlights on the industry and propel it forward.

Female Founders

Female Founders

Connecting Founders Co., Ltd. wins UN WEPs Thailand’s Award (SME Champions) for the second year in a row

PRESS RELEASE: Connecting Founders Co., Ltd. wins UN WEPs Thailand award for the second year in a row.

Date: November 7th, 2022

BANGKOK, Thailand—We are honored and humbled to receive the top award for the UN WEPs Thailand’s Award (SME Champions) for the second year in a row. This year we have been recognized for our Covid-recovery and resilience work led by Michael Rabonza with the Kinnest Group, a woman-owned and led F&B and lifestyle mid-size company in Thailand, owner of known brands such as theCommons, Roast, Roots, Little Pea.

In dealing with the economic impact of the pandemic, Connecting Founders has prioritized strategies that revolve around capital structuring, CFO services, and leveraging technology to lower distribution costs and reach a larger market. The group developed and implemented a successful recovery and post-pandemic financial and resiliency plan focused on capital planning and leveraging strategic partnerships for a mid-size F&B and lifestyle group with a large supply chain of small businesses in Bangkok, many owned by women.  This has allowed the company to scale its operation through strategic partnerships with large domestic business groups and secure new capital commitments while maintaining its independence.

ABOUT Connecting Founders

Connecting Founders is an advisory services firm that works with businesses to help them scale efficiently and integrate gender and diversity in their business models. For more information, visit

About WeEmpowerAsia

WeEmpowerAsia is a UN Women programme funded by and in partnership with the European Union that seeks to increase the number of women who lead and participate in business in China, India, Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines, Thailand and Viet Nam. For more information, visit

Female Founders

PRESS RELEASE: Connecting Founders Co., Ltd. wins UN Women Award for Advancing a Gender-Responsive Marketplace

PRESS RELEASE: Connecting Founders Co., Ltd. wins UN Women Award for Advancing a Gender-Responsive Marketplace

Date: November 1st, 2021

BANGKOK, ThailandConnecting Founders Co., Ltd. was recognized in the first ever stand-alone UN Women 2021 Thailand WEPs Awards, winning the top prize in the Gender-Responsive Marketplace Category during a virtual ceremony held on October 21.


“The crux of our work at Connecting Founders is advancing and integrating gender diversity and inclusion in the business sector. Our services are all about supporting companies and providing tangible tools for businesses to achieve that as they scale.”


Women’s economic empowerment is at the very core of our organization. Our mission is to create a business sector that is more responsive to different needs and more inclusive in resource allocation. Whether we are supporting women to scale up their businesses, advance in their careers, or become first time investors – giving women more voice and decision-making power is critical to building healthy businesses and sustainable economies.


The WEPs Awards are an annual series of events by WeEmpowerAsia, a programme funded by and in partnership with the European Union (EU). UN Women organized the Thailand WEPs Awards in collaboration with the SEC, the Office of Small and Medium Enterprises Promotion (OSMEP), the ASEAN Women Entrepreneurs Network (AWEN), and key supporters, including the Thailand Management Association (TMA), the Global Compact Network Thailand (GCNT), and the Kenan Foundation Asia. The Awards were promoted in collaboration with the European Association for Business and Commerce (EABC) and the Franco-Thai Chamber of Commerce (FTCC).


The Awards recognized outstanding efforts to promote gender equality in the private sector under six  categories: Leadership Commitment, Gender-Inclusive Workplace, Gender-Responsive Marketplace, Community Engagement and Partnerships, Transparency and Reporting, and Youth Leadership. This year, three SME Awards were also given to small and medium-sized enterprises.

The Gender-Responsive Marketplace category recognized companies that embrace gender inclusivity and gender responsiveness across their value chains from sourcing materials and services to supporting women entrepreneurs through capacity-building and market access opportunities. Firms selected for this award promote supplier diversity, gender-inclusive distribution and sale, and gender-responsive marketing and advertising.


As a winner of the Gender- Responsive Marketplace Category, our company has also been nominated to progress to the Regional Asia-Pacific WEPs Awards set to be held on November 18 along with laureates from other countries.


The Awards place a spotlight on companies and leaders behind initiatives and practices that advance gender inclusivity and women’s empowerment in the business sector through the Women’s Empowerment Principles (WEPs). Today, over 5,600 companies from around the world have signed up to show their commitment to foster business practices that promote gender equality and women’s empowerment through the WEPs , including more than 1,500 from Asia-Pacific. Connecting Founders Co., Ltd. is now a WEPs signatory too.


For more information, please see the official press release from the UN Women 2021 Thailand Women’s Empowerment Principles Awards ceremony:



ABOUT Connecting Founders

Connecting Founders is an advisory services firm that works with businesses to help them scale efficiently and integrate gender and diversity in their business models. For more information, visit

About WeEmpowerAsia

WeEmpowerAsia is a UN Women programme funded by and in partnership with the European Union that seeks to increase the number of women who lead and participate in business in China, India, Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines, Thailand and Viet Nam. For more information, visit

Female Founders

Edutainment Platform “FilmDoo” and its Rising Role in Southeast Asia